"Journaling For Your Self" has a series of calculations for determining certain cards that are of particular significance, based in various ways on one's birthdate. I thought these might be good first cards to take a look at and study. These are the cards that, when they turn up in a reading, merit extra attention and are also good cards to study and meditate on.
I don't mind saying that my response to the placement of the Tower on this list caused a "Oh, just great!" reaction out of me, but... it is what it is, and I guess I better pay attention to it.
So, here's the list, and I'll be picking from among these for more intense study over the next couple weeks:
My Tarot Profile
Personality Card:
(Indicates my life purpose, aspirations, and lessons to be learned.)
VII: The Chariot
Soul Card:
(Indicates my soul purpose and qualities that will assist me.)
VII: The Chariot
Hidden Factor/Teacher Card:
(Indicates qualities I fear, reject, or don't see that can be my greatest strengths.)
XVI: The Tower
Zodiac or Sun Sign Card:
(What I Need For Self-Expression)
VI: The Lovers
Current Year Card (2006):
(Qualities I Need to Develop This Year - Same as Personality/Soul Card. This is a very significant year for me.)
XVI: The Tower
Next Year's Card (2007):
(Qualities I Will Need to Develop Next Year)
XVII: The Star
Lessons and Opportunities:
(Minor Arcana corresponding to Soul Card - these have heightened significance in a spread.)
7 of Wands
7 of Swords
7 of Cups
7 of Pentacles
Zodiac Lessons and Opportunities:
(Minor Arcana corresponding to my sun sign)
8 Swords
9 of Swords
10 of Swords
Destiny Card:
(Pertaining to birthdate - indicates fundamental impulses, desires, and reactions of myself as an individual.)
9 of Swords
Personal Potential Card:
(Court Card corresponding to sun sign)
Knight of Swords
Inner Teacher Card:
(Court Card corresponding to moon sign)
Queen of Pentacles
Mode of Expression in the World:
(Court Card corresponding to rising sign)
Queen of Cups