Actions to take inspired by this card:
- Deliberately do something today differently than how you normally do it. Notice how it feels - uncomfortable? Liberating? Embarrassing?
- Do something today that you've been interested in but haven't yet made the leap because you're afraid you can't do it. Just jump, already!
- Go for a walk around your neighborhood and take notice of details you've never paid attention to before.
- Write with your non-dominant hand.
- Change a recipe for something you make often - try a new ingredient or a different method of preparation.
- Make a fruit fool for dessert.
- Watch a funny movie or TV show.
- Play with a toy you loved as a child.
- Take a trip to a part of town you've never visited before - what's in your local area that you didn't know about?
- Buy some craft supplies and spend time using them without worrying about 'making' something.
- Bring a bouquet of white roses into your home.
- Spend time with your dog today or, if you don't have one, go visit a shelter. If you can't keep a pet, can you help care for these?
- Find a child and spend some time together playing - get down on the floor with them and experience life from their point of view.
- Play "Fluxx" a card game where the rules change constantly according to the actions of the players. This is a great game for groups of people who aren't taking things too seriously because the constant changes keep it challenging, but it's lighthearted enough not to interrupt the socializing.
- Have a child's party for you and your adult friends. Bring favorite toys, have children's food - pizza decorated to look like a happy face, ice cream sundaes with all the toppings... Play games like pin the tail on the donkey and provide hula hoops, Twister and jump ropes. Maybe dress up in your pajamas and play Truth or Dare or give each other manicures. Put "The Wizard of Oz" on play "Dark Side of the Moon" to see if they really are synchronized. The key thing here is to play together and not worry about how silly you all look.
- create an altar to your Inner Fool - find small icons that remind you of your childhood, of a new beginning you're about to make (or want to make), of places you've been or places you'd like to be. Include something that reminds you of something you might be embarrassed if others knew it mattered to you (that first edition Star Trek ornament? put it in there!) and something that makes you laugh. Set it off with a white rose for innocence and pleasure. Lay the Fool card in the middle of it and spend time meditating on the qualities of the Fool you'd like to draw into your life.
Got more? Share your foolish ideas in comments!