If I were going to put these five Magician cards in some kind of order, I'd arrange it like this:
Osho Zen 1: Existance - the very first step to controling your environment is the realization that your most fundamental tool is yourself, and the realization that you're a part of the universe you seek to change.
Universal Waite Tarot I: The Magician - this Magician has learned to manipulate the elements using a structured form of ritual. Often, when we first learn a skill we have to carefully follow the 'rules' to make sure we get it right. Young cooks follow recipes, more experienced cooks can be more intuitive because they have a deep understanding of how each element actually works. This Magician seems to be very rules based to me.
Mythic Tarot: The Magician - this Magician is also following established rules but he is bringing in a more spiritual basis to it - he understands that he is not merely using tools, but connecting to spirit. He has remembered the fact of the Osho Zen card - that he is deity. He respects that truth by standing on the sacred space of the cross-roads.
Revelations Tarot I: The Magician - This Magician is actively using his tools and has gained age, if not necessarily wisdom. With the power to actively manipulate the elements to manifest one's will comes the danger that this power can be misused. It shows in this Magician's face that he is familiar with this and has experienced a time or two when he's used his magic for less than stellar reasons. This Magician has actual power and because of that, is potentially more dangerous.
Da Vinci Enigma Tarot I: The Magician - here is the aged Magician
who has learned both skill and wisdom. He no longer needs to make a
display of his powers or his tools - his power to manifest his will in
a consciously applied manner show in his face - he's now internalized
it. He can remember times of learning new skills, and has experienced
the results of actions taken wisely and unwisely, and as a result he
can see deeply into the hearts and motives of others. He can create
whatever he wants, but he has learned that sometimes it's best not to.
He knows much more than he's telling because he realizes that some
things have to be learned by each one of us in our own way and our own