My description:
the key color impression is purplish red, sort of muddy. A swirling vortex of brighter red emanates from behind the upright figure, while the reversed figure is backed by deeper purple and black vertical streaks. The upright figure is shiny orange and gold with flowing blond hair an holds a wand protectively staving off attack from three other wands - the look on the figure's face is very stern and determined. A sheer gauzy scarf is masking the nose and mouth of this figure. The reversed figure is mostly pinkish purple with yellow markings, is bald, and the expression is more fearful than determined. There is also a covering over this one's mouth and nose, but it's more opaque and looks like a bandage - and less protective than gagging. The reversed figure is holding its wand loosely and ineffectively and seems to be kneeling in defeat. There is a shadowy purple figure behind this one holding an upright staff, as if about to take a swing from behind.
I nearly forgot to draw a card today and then was a bit boggled at the one I drew. I've been on phone duty most of the day, being the conduit for various people with various types of cell coverage... a close friend of ours (my daughter's pseudo-father-in-law) had some sort of severe chest pains while he was out working on the first really good warm day this year. He's a landscaper so he's been out of the loop for physical work for the past few months, but he's still one of the most fit men I've ever known.
His father - who has a mountain of health issues and shouldn't be driving - got him and took him to the hospital (I'm told, hitting every pothole in town at full force), and that's where it sits... his family is with them, along with my daughter, and I've been keeping communications open with those that aren't there, since cell phone use is out inside the hospital, and some of those there are either low on minutes or just not getting good coverage when they step outside...
We live only about 5 minutes away, so I made a giant batch of pasta and prepped for possible sleepovers of those who want to get some rest laying down for a bit, but mostly it's just a waiting game for word.
As of right now - multiple hours in - he's been medicated for pain, but is fighting it and can't seem to drop off to sleep and get away from it. His blood pressure is way up and they need to get that stable to run tests to figure out what's going on. He may or may not be airvaac'd to a better equipped hospital at some point tonight.
Right now, I'm taking this 7 of Wands to be a positive sign of him fighting to get through this, not knowing yet what the tests will reveal. But if it's about fighting the pain meds and keeping that blood pressure up, i'd like him to find some way to rest.
Scattered thoughts... this family has been through the mill this past year with health issues. Diabetes and kidney failure, a heart attack and cancer have all ripped through this family..and now this, from the one person in the family that's always been healthy. I know it's pointless to cry 'unfair!' but man... enough already.