my description:
Colors are pink, purple and blue. The setting of the Cups suit is underwater, and here the upright figure is a salmon colored sea creature facing forward in what seems to be a posture of meditation, hands resting, palms up on what would be its knees, eyes seem to be closed. Nine cups are emanating out in a circular pattern from the figures gut or center, and a school of pink fish are swimming in a halo around its head. Reversed, a purplish-rose figure looks to the side, arms crossed and the head fins are flowing back from its face (it is more affected by the movement of the water). A school of eels are circling this one's head.
And so again with the Wish Card, eh? I still distrust this card and envy those who can see it and just think 'yay, all my wishes will come true!'
But what does this version have to tell me about wishes?
First, I see focused intent in the upright figure. I see the fulfillment of those wishes coming from within one's own center, not raining down from some outside Santa Claus. If I want to safely wish, I must be willing to focus on what it is I truly want and understand that making them happen comes from within.
Reversed, I see the hazard of wishes - not paying attention to them, crossing arms and rejecting them. Not wishing for things that are good for me (but instead eels that will harm). Being tossed around by emotion and letting that determine my wishes. And the rosy color of this figure..wishful thinking. Wishing instead of thinking and instead of doing anything to bring them forth.