Ahhh... I thought I might want to stay with the Celtic Dragon for another week since I gave it short shrift - but doing a full reading with it and realizing that I was having to pry myself forcibly to pay attention to the card (and not just leaning on 'this card means...' that could be done with blank cards with just the name listed) confirmed it... the Celtic Dragon is just not for me.
So, this week, I want to spend some time with one that I know is - the Druidcraft has become one of my favorite go-to decks. It blends Wiccan and Druid ideas while for the most part still preserving familiar RWS ideas. I am very fond of the way it removes Christian metaphor from the imagery because while those are sometimes helpful for the most part they get in the way for me. (Arguing with the metaphor is not a good way to listen to the message)
The Druidcraft's artwork is earthy and lovely - strong colors, homey people (not all of them pretty but all of them interesting), lush forests and meadows. Its one I ask before using - there is nudity (and it's earthy and lusty) and not everyone wants to be confronted with pagan ideas when they're getting a Tarot reading. But it always makes me happy when it's the one they choose - I know it's going to be a good reading and they're going to be tuned in to hearing what it says.
It's just that kind of deck.