Pages may be...
- children and young people
- beginners
- students/learners
- risk takers (associated with the Fool)
- messagers/message receivers
- situations that involve any of the above
Pages play the role of student/studier of and through their element - as beginners, they are grounded in their element, and through that grounding they are able to take risks into the unknown. They perceive situations, learn about them through sensory stimulus related to their element, and receive and offer messages through that elemental energy.
Depending on the deck, Pages may also be referred to as Daughter, Princess, etc.
Page of Pentacles (Earth of Earth) -
Learns through physical senses, studies the situation in terms of the material reality of it. They are learning to understand and manipulate their physical and material environment.
In the role of the Page of Earth, a beginner would learn by hands-on experience, and receives information tactically and defines success through concrete results and/or reward.
They are willing to take risks for the sake of material payoffs or to gain security. They may label or defend their choices by calling them 'common sense', 'practical' or what is needed for safety, security or material gain. As a result, they can be seen as overly cautious or more interested in the reward for learning than in learning for itself.
They may have difficulty processing abstract ideas or ethereal philosophies, preferring instead to stay in the realm of their physical senses.
Page of Cups (Earth of Water) -
Learns through examination of their emotional response, studies the situation in terms of how it makes them feel, and how others respond emotionally to their behavior. They are learning to understand their emotions, intuitive self, and connections with others.
In the role of Page of Water, a beginner would learn by working cooperatively with groups, intuitively feeling their way, and receives information about how things 'feel' emotionally and defines success through how emotionally satisfying the result is.
They are willing to take risks that might lead to emotional satisfaction or to avoid emotional pain. They may label or defend their choices by saying they are 'following their heart' or that it 'felt right' or what is needed for the sake of connection to others. As a result, they may be seen as a daydreamer, overly-sensitive or not paying enough attention to reality or planning.
They may have difficulty understanding practical concerns that lead to unpleasant feelings.
Page of Wands (Earth of Fire) -
Learns through instinctively following their desires, studying the situation in terms of whether or not it's what they want and acting on their will. They are learning to understand their will, their self-identity, and their instincts.
In the role of Page of Fire, a beginner would learn by examining their desires, determining their goals and pursuing them, and tends to work better alone so they can do things their own way.
They determine success according to whether or not it achieves their desired result.
They are willing to take risks in order to get what they want or to experience passion about the activity. They may label or defend their choices by saying, "This is just who I am" or that it's simply what they want. As a result, they may be seen as self-centered and 'spoiled' or prone to excessive risk-taking.
They may have difficulty understanding the need to take others into account, or to work even when the process is tedious or slower than they'd prefer.
Page of Swords (Earth of Air) -
Learns through analysis and thought, studying the situation according to what they think or believe about it.
In the role of Page of Air, a beginner will learn through research and applying methodical systems of analysis (such as the scientific method) to the pursuit of information and knowledge. They learn well via communicative methods (lectures, the written word). They are able to comprehend abstract and philosophical ideas.
They determine success according to whether or not they know more than they did before, and can articulate what they know or believe.
They are willing to take risks in order to gain knowledge and understanding of a situation, and to speak out about what they believe to be true. They may label or defend their choices by saying, "I'm just being honest" or "I just wanted to know this." As a result, they may be seen as insensitive and critical or nosy and overly-inquisitive.
They may have difficulty staying grounded in the situation (their minds tend to spin off into wider and more abstract realms when presented with concrete issues, making it hard for them to focus on the down-to-earth practicalities of the thing) or understanding the emotional reactions to what they perceive as intellectual communications - they often don't realize the effect their words have on others.