(hmm... Typepad has made some changes to their editor that are making sizing the pictures a bit annoying... time to relearn how to use it...)
Yesterday was my birthday and I kept intending to do a birthday reading for myself and got so caught up in petty nonsense that I never could settle down enough to do it (the one that I did attempt merely said, "Boy are you being a pissy baby!" so I swept it up, stomped my foot and yelled, Am NOT!" like the mature woman I am.
So phht to yesterday. The stupidest part - it started off terrible, and then I self-generated more terribleness in the form of a pity party and then by the end, pretty much everything I was bothered about turned out to be fine.
Today's card is the Page of Cups, which in the mythic deck is represented by Narcissus, lost in the compelling vision of his own face. He's surrounded by lush green, a pair of trees leaning in (as if to ask, 'what are you looking at?" and a deep blue pool that he seems to be ignoring in favor of the sight inside his own cup.
This page is studying emotion and the inner self... but it does seem to be from a very self-aborbed perspective that completely misses the bigger sources that inspire and guide.
I do believe my deck might just still be a bit annoyed at being ignored yesterday. Hah!
Yesterday was my birthday and I kept intending to do a birthday reading for myself and got so caught up in petty nonsense that I never could settle down enough to do it (the one that I did attempt merely said, "Boy are you being a pissy baby!" so I swept it up, stomped my foot and yelled, Am NOT!" like the mature woman I am.
So phht to yesterday. The stupidest part - it started off terrible, and then I self-generated more terribleness in the form of a pity party and then by the end, pretty much everything I was bothered about turned out to be fine.
Today's card is the Page of Cups, which in the mythic deck is represented by Narcissus, lost in the compelling vision of his own face. He's surrounded by lush green, a pair of trees leaning in (as if to ask, 'what are you looking at?" and a deep blue pool that he seems to be ignoring in favor of the sight inside his own cup.
This page is studying emotion and the inner self... but it does seem to be from a very self-aborbed perspective that completely misses the bigger sources that inspire and guide.
I do believe my deck might just still be a bit annoyed at being ignored yesterday. Hah!