Time to get back into posting daily readings. I hit a bump...one I'll need to get used to, I think. It seems that summer equals kids visiting their dad which equals way more time actually dealing with him than I'd care for otherwise and that results in some pretty bad self-readings full of emotional sludge.
Not that that's been all I've been feeling but it just seemed best to keep my dailies to myself til I got a grip on that. And for the most part I do (the parts that I don't are likely going to be scar tissue for a long time and are more to be accepted than got over).
But! Full Moon time and for the moment all my chickies are back under my roof and it feels right to start posting here again.
I've picked up two new decks in the downtime (and I haven't bought any new decks in a long time so this is very exciting!). I now am the proud owner of the Golden Tarot by Kat Black and the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza. These are two very different styles and I'm much looking foward to getting to know them here!