This card shows a nude male figure with a bull's head navigating a small wooden boat with a sail. The boat is a curved crescent shape (lunar) with a raised section with a railing to serve as the boatman's seat.
The bull is navigating by way of a round horizontal wheel that is separated into 8 sections by spokes - this wheel reminds me very much of the Wheel of the Year or Wheel of Fortune.
The white sail is full of wind coming from behind, generating forward movement. The mast holding up the sail is a living tree with bare limbs.
The sky above is dark with thick grey clouds, while the lower background behind the boat is composed of blinding white light that obscures the terrain. The water beneath is moving the boat forward in soft swelling waves.
Overhead there are six swords - four laid out horizonatally, pointed toward the direction in which the boat is traveling, and 2 that are woven through the ends of the horizontal swords, points up.
The key aspects of this card that strike me is the bull man, which reminds me of Taurus and a movement toward comfort. This seems to stem from navigating lunar receptivity (the boat) by way of paying attention to cycles of change (the wheel) and using the energy that comes from the Tree of Life (the mast that holds the sails)... it's a gentle sort of movement that comes more from accepting the tides of change and looking ahead rather than forcibly pushing through uncomfortable periods of life.
On a daily level, today it speaks of recovery from a mild state of illness... last night, I had another very bad sinus headache that turned into stomach trouble, making for extreme discomfort (bad headaches make me nauseated). This is the second time I've had to deal with this in a month, and it's certainly seasonal-based. It's mostly passed today, though there is still a shadow-headache, and general lack of appetite. But I am navigating beyond it, and aware that it's simply something to deal with and get over.
ETA: I looked up the book notes on this image and find it comes from a work entitled "Allegory of a Wolf and Eagle" and the figure here is supposed to be a wolf-man. A lone wolf navigating his little boat... it puts a rather different spin on this, but try as I might, that still looks like a bovine face, not a wolf.