An upward pointing arrow rises up from the center of a campfire burning n the middle of a bare plateau. The arrow's tip is on fire and smoke is rising from the fires.
The center of the arrow is directly in front of a rising sun, and mountains surrounding the level place where the fire is, are blazing gold and orange from the reflected light of the sun. At first glance, the glow of the sun on the hills look like fiery wings about to launch the arrow into flight.
The sky is orange, pink, purple and blue from the rising sun and covered in high, fast moving clouds.
Heat...light...upward movement. I imagine that the night in this desert place was cold... the ground is purple and still touched by the pre-dawn reality of the place, but as the sun rises it will grow hot with the day. The potential and probability are here that before the day is over, everything will be touched by fire.
The alignment of fire in this card appeals to me - fire grounds the arrow, fire is the tip - the part that hits its target, and the fire of the sun bisects it bringing in universal will and energy to the potential energy of this one lone flaming arrow.
I like seeing this ace - for as much as I haven't been writing here I have been doing, dealing with some long overdue organizational issues (too much stuff, not enough house to contain it neatly). My inclination to communicate hasn't been so high but I am learning I needn't try to be at my peak about everything all at once. I'm focusing where I need to.