Oz's House -- Corresponds to the sixth house and Virgo, astrologically speaking. Oz processes everything but says little--a perfect combination of Mercury and earth. He is willing to put others' needs before his own, and lives a life of rare discernment.
What/where do I need to serve in the coming year? What do I need to keep pure?
Star / 7 of Cups
Huh.. Hope and dreams, eh? (really? I have to keep my fantasies pure? bummer!)
Seriously, I drew these early in the day and have been puzzling over them pretty much ever since. What do I need to serve in the coming year... my hope? My faith? I feel like I need to take this as indicating not only that I am going to need to strive not to lose hope, but maybe that I am going to need to be the one that keeps up the hopes and faith of others as well. (And I want so much to be able to see beyond my mom's concerns, but that fight is taking over this year, and as it drags on, my sister and I do indeed find our hope wavering)
And then the 7 of Cups... what do I need to keep pure? Maybe, as this expresses both hopes and fears...all those imaginative emotional triggers, it's a reminder not to let either run away with me.. keep them pure.. let my imagination guide me, but not get lost in them... not let my fears harm my sense of hope, or my hopes blind me to what I need to be alert to.
This is the best I can do with these... I think this is a pair I'll be mulling for awhile.
One final thought for now... the Star card here shows a peacock. I associate the peacock with Hera/Juno, which is a goddess archetype I've connected with frequently over the last few years and have been turning to more often lately in my fight for my mothers safety (Hera is a protector of women, children and marriage - as such my mothers vulnerability in light of her widowhood would come under Hera's sphere). Perhaps I need to serve Hera's interests right now... keep my relationship with her pure. Something I can't put into words here, but will indeed think about.