Last night I returned home and tomorrow my youngest daughter comes back from her summer visit with her dad.
Today's card is the 8 of Water, subtitled "Letting Go". It depicts lotus leaves growing out of a pool of water in which the sky is reflected. Droplets of water are suspended on the surface of the lotus leaf and one has just dripped off, leaving a ring of ripples at the point where it's dropped into the pool - the rings are just starting to expand outward, but they will continue to widen their reach.
The upper right hand corner of the card is hard to make out but the white area of reflection in the water looks like a full moon - it may simply be a lunar shaped bit of light created by the surrounding shadows though.
What needs to be let go of here is the water's hold on the lotus - it's a stable place to be, and allows the droplet to stay self-contained.. but water is meant to merge and flow, and eventually, to do that it must let go of the leaf, and drop into the common pool - loses its individuality, but the unique result of that one droplet is felt in expanding ripples throughout the entire pond. Only in letting go of its own individual hold on life and merging into the the pool of commonality can it make any impact at all... in letting go, it finds its greater purpose.