Joyce's House -- Corresponds to the fourth house and Cancer, astrologically speaking. Buffy's Mom wants to nurture, but is often completely in the dark about Buffy's activities and what she needs.
What am I clueless about right now that will be very important for me to nurture in the coming year?
10 of Cups (Whale) / 4 of Wands (Ladybug)
What a lovely, hopeful pair of cards! I wasn't certain how I might go about interpreting what I'm clueless about, but as soon as I saw them, I thought "Well, of course!"
In just a few more weeks, my daughter (who still lives with me, along with her fiancé) will be giving birth to her first child. It's been an unfortunate side effect of my ongoing issues with my mother's situation that I haven't been able to throw myself into anticipation of a new baby in the house as fully as I'd like. Recently, we all made the decision to put off a planned move-out on their part, so we are beginning to prepare this house to meet the needs of a little one.
And yes, I am a wee bit clueless about how that will be - the baby herself is currently a mystery...what will her personality be? How will things change?
But the 10 of Cups shows a family of whales, happily swimming in the moonlight - there is a swirling vortex of water around them that reminds me of the World or Wheel... a sense of wholeness and completeness in this family unit. It suggests to me that part of my job this year is to help my daughter find this sense of wholeness in her family, even while they are still living with her sister and I - to be there but not be at the center of it, so that they can continue the transition toward being a family in their own right.
The 4 of Wands shows a ladybug on a leaf, and I'm reminded of the rhyme chant "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home..." which notes the need to check the stability of her house and safety of her children. Here again, something to nurture, which is the wellbeing of the overall household - both the physical space and the family dynamics within it. It is a reminder to me that her sister and I do live here too and will need to be taken into account as well. It speaks to the need for some scheduling of tasks, along with acknowledgement and celebration of our expanding family.
These two show both sides of the puzzle.. the family within the family and the structure that supports us all. But at their most general, they speak of happiness and fulfillment and however 'clueless' I am right now about that peace and joy, it is coming and will be a part of my life this next year, and something to nurture and grow.