Spread: Full Moon Spread, from Tarot for all Seasons, Christine Jette
Q: How can I best develop my relationship with Tarot right now?
1. Relationships
Knight of Cups
What you need to know now about developing your potential in relationship to others. The truth of current relationships, be they lover, coworker, family or friend.
Here is a reminder to focus on the emotional connections of those I read for - not lose sight of the emotional force of their situations, or fail to be mindful of my own emotional responses. Feelings are not irrelevent! Keeping empathy and compassion (without drowning in someone else's emotional sea) keeps readings from becoming judgemental - everyone's situation is important to them. I had one huge reading failure nearly a year ago that continues to haunt me and where I failed was right here - I got to a place where I couldn't at all relate to what it was she wanted and also got very emotionally heated myself over her intentions. I should have stopped - should have just acknowledged that those were barriers so large that she needed to find a different reader. Instead I kept plugging and didn't do right by her, didn't do right by me, and way overstepped my boundaries, as she was coming to me for a reading, not an outraged lecture. In hindsight, I believe she needs a therapist not a tarot reader (she's shopped around far and wide and tends to burn through them). So part of this watching out for emotional vampires and part is about approaching the reading with compassion and empathy, and where that's not possible, stepping out rather than proceeding from a place of noncompassion and lack of empathy.
2. The Power of Choice
3 - The Empress
What decision needs to be made now to fully express your potential? What will free your creativity?
The Empress is pure creative energy - she gives birth to things, which means allowing the catalyst of conception, and then letting the process develop while nurturing it and myself until the right time for it to be born. What is my decision here? I need to choose to commit myself to the development of my creative potential - and what will free it will be patience, a healthy environment for expression and valuing the process.
The decision I've been contemplating (without deciding to commit) that comes to mind has to do with an SL project I think I want to do but am unsure if I want to devote the long haul commitment to stay with it. Basically, I want to create tableaus for each of the cards (a few at a time), where a person can 'step into' the card, contemplate it...snap a picture and create their own personal deck over time, with notecards of information about each card. A sort of virtual interactive living deck. The sticking point is the commitment factor - I don't want to start this and then abort it.
I think this is telling me that a relaxed pace, one step at a time and let it develop rather than trying to see the whole thing is the way to go. As a parent, I commit to the lifetime of my child, but I needn't be sure I can see the adult that child will become before choosing to commit and nurture the baby.
3. Manifesting Goals
Knight of Swords
What action do you need to take on a physical plane to reinforce your magical workings? What can you do in the mundane world to support your spirit's desire?
Remembering that with this deck, Swords are fire, this suggests focusing on goals and taking action to manifest them. Simply, the action I need to take is... to act! Which sounds simplistic in the extreme, but very apt for me - I can plan and research and analyze things forever with a grin on my face, but taking that first step (or not distracting myself away after four or five steps) is haaard. Focus and do, baby.. focus and do. I need to set some specific intentions for my progress, with concrete steps attached for working toward them.
The Mother has given you talents, abilities, and gifts. What must you do to fully express them? If you don't like this card, it is because the card shows blocks that you need to address before you can realize your full creative gifts.
Hi, Mom... thanks for the gift..that bloody dead dragon goes so well with my sofa...
Ok, what's up here... this card is melodramatic - do I have a melodramatic flair? sometimes, yes - so using that ability creatively, eh? Actually... I do do that purposefully sometimes - show things taken to their ridiculous worst to get perspective on how it is. It is a way of breaking past filters by letting them speak. "Now that we've got that out of the way, lets look at this again..."
The other thing this says - and it ties to what I mentioned above - this card speaks of being able to stay with an plan to its conclusion - full and thorough analysis. Not so positive when it's beating a dead horse (or slaying a dead dragon), but it does have merit if you don't want to miss anything important.
So to fully express my talents, I need to utilize my analytical skills (and know when to stop), and express my conclusions with some performance art skills that let them hook into what's being said and maybe laugh at themselves a bit?
(oops, couldn't make the mental switch to Swords as Fire there... but I'm leaving it)
Shows where you need to establish personal boundaries so you do not give your power away. What do you need to protect?
The High Priest represents traditional authority and ethics - and this is very timely. I've begun doing readings with LivePerson/Kasamba, and it's an environment that is quite a bit different than I'm used to - people are less inclined to want to talk through the process and often very big on 'just tell me what will happen', as if the answer isn't 'well, doesn't that depend on what you decide to make happen?'
So, I've been scrambling to really firm up my own sense of what can I read about with integrity, and which questions really need to go to someone more predictive-oriented. I need to set these boundaries for myself if I want to draw the sort of client I prefer in rather than go for the masses and wind up hating it. While I am very happy to have the ability to earn some money from this in a regular way, money isn't *the* reason for doing it. In an industry that is rife with bad reputation, sometimes justified, I have to be rock solid for myself that I'm offering the sort of readings that I believe will provide help to those open to helping themselves, not be a collaborator in confirming live as something that just keeps happening to you for people who don't see their own power.
I expect I'll be doing a lot of adjusting and boundary setting (and moving and resetting), so getting to work in this setting is going to be very, very good for me. I just want to make sure that I'm good for those I read for.
6. Psychic Gifts
Knight of Wands
How can you best develop your intuition? If this is a court card, it suggests the appearance of a teacher, guide or mentor.
And yet a third Knight - focused intent, this time in the realm of air - I love how the dragonrider is soaring upwards into the Moon. Thought applied to intuition and the intuition soars. I think this is about making connections out of impressions... develop the intuition by study and putting it together and being able to articulate it.
In terms of finding a mentor, I seek many - discussions with others studying Tarot, looking for examples of Tarot concepts in non-tarot related literature. I would love to be able to study more formally, and while that's not something I can currently budget for, I may do well to start consciously saving up so that I can.
7. Blessings and Spiritual Direction
10 of Pentacles
The Mother wants you to celebrate the joy of being alive. What do you have to be thankful for? How can you best express the Goddess in you?
Lovely final card - in spite of feeling as if life is rather precarious right now, if I honestly and thankfully look at it overall, I have a firm foundation, feel secure, and see all that I've brought with me from the past as a legacy that has led to a place where life is, at its core, good. I am with my children and we love one another - my daughter told me the other day that I'm her best friend (!), we have the basic requirements of life met - shelter, warmth, food, and those are secure. And having been through times of real lack, and real stress and insecurity, I know the difference. I wouldn't trade my life today for what it was a few years ago, even though I had more 'stuff' and money then. It came with despair and stress and waking up every day wondering how I'd be made to feel small again.
When I read for people who are stuck and afraid to give up the crumbs they have for the freedom to not be in abusive, belittling situations, I can draw on my own experience and know, confidently, that once you get over that hurdle, life gets better. And it's much easier to find a path to material stability when you're not feeling powerless that it is to gain a sincere sense of power simply by holding onto material stablity. Power means being able to see options for improvement and a sense of yourself as deserving and capable of making them.
I am grateful that I've experienced stuff without power and power without stuff, so I know which matters more.