Giles's House -- Corresponds to the third house and Gemini, astrologically speaking. Giles is the Watcher, after all, and Gemini is the sign of the Observer/Journalist.
What do I need to "see"/observe this year? What will reward further study?
XII: The Hanged Woman (Spider Woman) / Queen of Swords (Athena)
Immediately, I see these two cards as my mother and me - the Queen of Swords is the court card I tend to identify as me, and I like seeing her portrayed here as Athena... wise, which makes her thoughtful in her actions, but willing to be a warrior when called upon. Her focus is on strategic warfare - being able to look at the big picture and responding accordingly.
The Hanged Woman here resonates strongly as my mother right now, Alzheimer's rendering her unable to act on her own behalf, stuck in that web and trying to make sense of where each thread of thought goes and waiting to learn what will become of her.
As a part of the process toward establishing guardianship, my sister and I were each asked to develop a long term care plan should Mom relocate to our area. Our intention is for my sister to become her guardian, so I've not given more than a cursory look at how it would be for her to be with me before now, so I am just now putting careful thought into that and looking at it from all the various aspects... medical and social resources in my town, the impact to all of us should Mom live in my home, etc. Even though I don't expect that to be the outcome, it's been an interesting exercise to become aware of the possibilities and challenges of doing so.
I think these cards are suggesting I continue to explore the impact of all of this on my actual relationship with my mother - whether she lives here or across the country, there are things I need to learn about who she is becoming and who I am, and develop a plan for maintaining a personal relationship with her now and as the illness progresses.
What I know now is that I will not let myself lose her again. What I need to observe and learn is how to go about protecting my connection to her.
Yesterday, I received a huge packet of information from my state's Alzheimer's Association, chock full of information on the disorder and lovingly relating to family members afflicted with the disorder... it will take a long time to process all they have to share. Between their experienced guidance and learning from Mom what she needs from me, I'll be able to learn what I need to as the year progresses.